Minor Update

Hey All,

Just did a minor update on the Quit Button.

Just in case some people pressed the quit button in full screen mode, while playing in the browser, it now triggers an Escape command, which will automatically return them to the browser from full screen.

This is more of a convenience, so you don't have to wonder what to do when the game stops, if you're a first time player. It will just return you to the game's page. On all other platforms, it will close the game altogether, so this was never an issue on other platforms.

Unless someone comes up with something incredible to share with me about the game's performance, I won't be making any more updates to this game. I had wanted to implement 2 more things, but it became apparent that I wouldn't have time for it, so I omitted them. I hope everyone enjoys the game as-is, and thank you so much for playing!


Time To Decide Play in browser
Jun 07, 2022

Get Time To Decide - GD.tv GameJam 2022

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